In my humble opinion, the lazier the better. That’s why these products are incredible and will make your sedentary lifestyle even more comfortable.
So what do you say?!? You with me?
1. Lazy reading glasses
2. Corn kerneler
3. Remote control/bottle opener
4. Inflatable pillow tie
5. Electric potato peeler
6. Self-turning ice cream cone
7. Twirling spaghetti fork
8. Mop slippers
9. Baby mop
10. One-handed beer opener
11. iPad/Toilet paper holder
12. A handy chin rest
13. Electric shoes
14. Self-mixing chocolate milk mug
15. Face-down beach chair
16. Banana slicer
17. Snowball maker
18. 12 mph cooler
19. PB&J in a can
20. These socks
h/t: Yes Plz