Imagine this scenario: you’ve always enjoyed traveling. For years, you’ve always wanted to visit one of the world’s most famous landmarks–let’s say Mt. Rushmore, or the Notre Dame Cathedral, or the birthplace of Luke and Owen Wilson. You plan this trip for months in advance, you spend a chunk of change on an airline ticket and lodging, you arrange to miss work, you travel for hours and hours to reach your destination, and…
You don’t get to see it. Maybe it’s foggy out. Or it’s under construction. Or it’s closed for a private event. Or maybe you get food poisoning. Whatever the reason, your plans will have to wait a bit longer.
It’s definitely a bummer, but it happens–and based on the number of travel photo fails people post online, it happens frequently. Here are 15 people who made the trek to see one of the wonders of the world, only for the world not to cooperate. (via Bored Panda.)
1. “Traveled thousands of miles to see Big Ben.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. “Planned a dream trip to China. This is what the Great Wall looked like.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. “My Mt. Everest view at a peak in Nepal.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. “I flew to the National Gallery in London to see van Gogh’s Sunflowers, (free admission), only to learn it’s been loaned to another exhibition with a $25 entrance fee.”

Photo Credit: Bored Panda
5. “Eight hour flight, five weeks of anticipation, and an hour-long bus ride to see the Cliffs of Moher. Fog had other plans.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. “Took a six-hour coach journey to see Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest (Bavaria).”

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. “Traveled to Wittenberg, Germany to see the door where Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses. It was being renovated.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. “I save my entire life for a dream trip to Mt. Fuji. Here’s best photo of it.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. “I woke up at 3 a.m. and hiked up Macchu Pichu to be there at sunrise.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. “After our nine-hour car ride, this is the photo Mom took of us at Mt. Rushmore.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. “This is me experiencing the Grand Canyon.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
12. “I finally got to see the Golden Gate Bridge today.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
13. “We drove 1 1/2 hours out of way to see Mt. Rushmore. It was foggy when we got there.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. “I flew 10 hours to see Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. “Went on a three-week trek around Mt. Manslu in the Himalayas. Part of it peeked through the clouds once.”

Photo Credit: Reddit