The human reproductive system, and more specifically the female reproductive system, is a subject that every adult of every gender should have a basic knowledge of. It’s literally where life comes from! Sadly, this is not the case. There are many studies that have proven the public’s lack of familiarity with female anatomy, but here’s one that sounds extra-pitiful: according to cancer research charity the Eve Appeal, 50% of men are unable to find a vagina on a diagram. And it’s not just men who are inept. One year earlier, another Eve Appeal study found that 44% of women couldn’t locate the vagina, either.

Come on, people. Have you never heard of Wikipedia? Here’s a whole article that explains everything! It’s really not that difficult.

With so much ignorance, it’s no surprise that many people believe some absolutely ludicrous things about female anatomy. There’s even a whole subreddit devoted to it called “Bad Women’s Anatomy“, which is where these 15 completely insane beliefs about women’s bodies were first shared. If you have any doubts about how women’s bodies work, you better brush up on it, or one day you might end up on a list like this


1. The Never Ending Period

2. Um, no.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. When it comes to the female anatomy, even rocket scientists are clueless.

4. “I’m growing it out for the baby.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

5. Can’t you just…hold it?

Photo Credit: Imgur

6. Father Knows Best Zilch

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Women’s farts smell worse because they’re too polite. It’s science.

Photo Credit: Imgur

8. We’ve all confused women with werewolves.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. This explains why mermaids never get their periods!

Photo Credit: Imgur

10. Peeing on a stick? Witchcraft!

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. Nothing here makes sense past “Thigh gaps are.”

Photo Credit: Imgur

12. Wandering Egg Syndrome

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Got Milk? WELL, YOU SHOULDN’T!!!

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. If you just ate a baby, then the answer is yes.

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. “The baby should come out any day now. I’m at 1,654 weeks!”

Photo Credit: Reddit



h/t: Buzzfeed