Whatever you want to call it–“karma,” “fate,” “bad luck,” etc–some days, it just seems like the world is working against you. No matter what you do, you have a bad day. It happens to all of us.
Whether you’re having an awful day and want to cheer yourself up, or you’re having a great day and want to keep the good vibes going, these 15 photos of peoples’ awful days will definitely do the trick. Laugh at their misfortune! But don’t laugh too much: then you’ll rack up enough bad karma to warrant a bad day of your own very soon. (via Bored Panda)
1. Is that a piano in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
“I am proof that not all musicians are smooth.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Well that was awkward.
“Went to open my fridge. Definitely thought my hand was connected properly.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. What a sh*tty day.
“My brand new Roomba ran over my puppy’s sh*t and proceeded to “clean” the rest of my home.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. It’s actually more accurate now than it was before.
“The F fell off my Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I drive a Ford Fiesta Lame.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. In sickness, in health, and in stupidity.
“My husband ripped his pants at our wedding.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Next time take a Greyhound.
“Their flight left two hours ago.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Paint misbehavin’.
“Poor Megan.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. Pulling a “Marmaduke.”
“He saw a squirrel and dragged me through the mud on my ass.”

Photo Credit: Imgur
9. Fly 1, Human 0
“Threw my swatter at a fly. Don’t ask questions because I don’t have answers.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. Curiosity killed embarrassed the cat.
“Stuck his head in a hole in a tree to take a look, guess what he found.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. When there’s a will, there’s a way.
“My cat couldn’t get to his litter box because the toilet door was forgotten closed at night, so he spilt the litter bag himself and pooped on it…”

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. Squatters’ rights.

Photo Credit: Imgur
13. The exact moment a childhood is ruined.
“Finally gave in and let my daughter get a cat. Turns out she’s allergic!”

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Give me a “Lloyd Christmas.”
“I Asked to have it edged up so my bangs would be straight. Proceeded to cut all my bangs off and my entire widows peak.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. I would just go back to bed. For the week.
“Today I had a series of unfortunate events.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Bored Panda