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15 People Reveal Something Nobody Knows About Them

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Everyone has secrets – at least one, probably more – but since the internet is anonymous, telling here doesn’t count. And some of these folks have some doozies!

#15. A proper date.

“I’m 30 and have been single all my life. Never had a proper date or anything.

I tell people I did have girlfriends in the past, to not seem like a total loser.”

#14. Not a relative.

“That I am actually very lonely. I wish i had someone who isnt a family relative that really cares and loves me.”

#13. For almost a year now.

“I’ve been visiting a professional Dominatrix for almost a year now.”

#12. Secretly.

“That I’m secretly bisexual.”

#11. I can’t tell him.

“I have a crush on a close friend.

I can’t tell him because I don’t want to make our friendship weird or awkward.

If my family found out, I would never stop getting crap for it or harassed because my family is racist and homophobic

Edit: someone asked in a pm, so I guess I’ll put it here. I’m white and he’s asian.”

#10. It’s been two years.

“TL;DR – Tried to suck my own dick and succeeded but it fucked up my back and had to miss 5 months of high school because of pain. Failed college entrance exams because I didn’t go to classes and knew nothing about the subjects. I am now repeating an entire year now so maybe at least I can get into a good college next year. It’s been 2 years and I still can’t sit for more than 30min without cramps in my mid back.”

#9. Why I’m single.

“I want a monogamous healthy relationship. A lot of people, including my friends, think I’m single because I want to be a bachelor. They see how I live my life by doing things on my own and not being tied down. The thing is I believe in love, and I want to find the right person, but I feel like I have to take down some barriers first before even thinking of dating.”

#8. Someone at work.

“I’ve been dating someone at work for about a month now.”

#7. Ridiculously good.

“I am ridiculously good at throwing knives. I threw for fun pretty much daily for about 10 years growing up, without even realising I was actually honing a skill to perfection. Stopped as I moved out of my parents house and went to college. 20 years later, I can still pick up any knife, immediately estimate the weight/balance and nail a tree 5 meters away.”

#6. My friends all work and wonder.

“I make a lot of cash betting and playing games online. Like, more than enough to not need a job while studying.

Meanwhile my friends all work and wonder why my lazy ass doesn’t get a fucking job.”

#5. The looks I get.

“I get so much shit for working in retail with a bachelor’s degree. It’s not my dream job, but neither is my degree. I stuck it out in college because that seemed like the right thing to do. I don’t know what I want to do with my life, but I figure if I have a stable job, that’s better than a spotty track record. I’ve stopped telling people I have a degree because the looks I get turn my stomach.

Woof- had to get that off my chest.”

#4. My plan.

“That I am studying Japanese. My plan is becoming fluent, then bang my head on some cupboard or something, and pretend I can no longer speak any language other than Japanese, and acting very confused about it.”

#3. Sad inside.

“I spend my time making everyone happy cause I’m sad inside.

Edit: to all those that know or feel how I feel I hope you find your happiness.”

#2. My parents let it happen.

“I was physically abused by my brother growing up and my parents let it happen, besides that I was verbally abused. I’m now in therapy for depression and anxiety and now realizing thanks to my therapist that I’ve been traumatized from being abused as a kid.”

#1. Everything happens so fast.

“That im terrified of growing up, i just turned 20 a couple weeks ago and I still have no idea what i want to do with my life. Everything happens so fast.”

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