Bad days are a part of life. No matter how much you try to avoid it, sometimes things just go wrong. You spill a latte all over your pants. You look away to turn down the volume on your car stereo and rear-end a truck. You’re given free tickets to a Jim Dunham show. Sucks to be you!
But sometimes, a bad day is so truly terrible, it dwarfs all other bad days in comparison. A day so bad, you’d be forgiven for going right back to bed and sleeping through ’til tomorrow. That’s what we’re dealing with. Here are 15 people who had such a bad day they had to share it with the world. (via Bored Panda)
1. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Not the birdie you wanna get on the golf course.

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Good morning. The police would like to speak with you.

Photo Credit: Reddit
The story: “Woke up this morning to 6 cops, a fire truck, and an ambulance at my door because a passing car was concerned about the one Halloween decoration I neglected to take down.”
4. “My cat just bit the corner of my Macbook.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Not everything works as a bun holder.

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. “It could’ve been worse without the Pam.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Something tells me the packages are gonna be delayed.

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. When your day includes a couple Old Testament plagues.

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. That’ll buff right out.

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10. Flat tire Inception

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11. It’s spray paint. He says.

Photo Credit: my_silverado_and_i
12. Involuntary body modification

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Revenge for all those Thanksgivings.

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. “Never use your PC as a candle holder.”

Photo Credit: Reddit