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15 People Admit the Biggest Lies They Tell Themselves

©Unsplash,Annie Gray

I guess we all look at ourselves in the mirror sometimes and just lie because it’s the only way we can get through the day.

Even though we know it’s not true, we do it anyway. Just like these AskReddit users.

1. A classic

“I don’t need to write this down, I’ll remember it.”

2. Not a good idea

“Adding more responsibility will fix a marriage/relationship. Things suck? Have a baby

Still sucks? Buy a house together

Still sucks? Time for another baby.

Sometimes entrenching your lives closer together doesn’t work. Sometimes you have to step away.”

3. Hmmmm, I don’t think so.

“I’ll wake up early and finish it in the morning.”

4. Time to admit it.

” “I’m not an alcoholic.”

Yeah, sure, everybody keeps vodka in the washing machine, Mom.”

5. I know a lot of these people.

“I’m a good driver, it’s everyone else who is terrible.”

6. Overeating

“I’m only going to get the 6 chicken nuggets meal at McDonald’s and not the 10.”

7. Hopefully?

“That tomorrow will be better.”

8. Interesting…

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

9. Myth

“You’re only as healthy as you feel.”

10. Amen, brother

“Being in a relationship will complete me and fix my life.”

No, it won’t. Get your life together, improve yourself.”

11. Up all night

“I’ll go to sleep in 15 minutes.”

12. I believe her

“Kids have the worst lies. My niece made a bowl of ice cream for herself when she wasn’t allowed to. When confronted she said the cat made the bowl and ate it, not her.”

13. No!

“Codpieces are out of fashion.”

14. We all do this

“I’m going to afford it some day.”

15. Not always

” “There will always be a second chance.”

Sometimes, there isn’t.”

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