Mark Twain is one of the greatest authors of all time, but he was also an unapologetically bad speller. When it came to spelling, he had this to say: ““Anyone who can only think of one way to spell a word obviously lacks imagination.”
Sorry, Mark. We love Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, but you’re wrong on this one. Getting a commonly misspelled word incorrect is one thing–like spelling “receive” as “recieve.” But some people’s approach to writing is a lot like their approach to making a smoothie: just throw everything in a blender and see what comes out. Shame on you for encouraging them, Mark!
Here are 15 people who should not legally be allowed to write anything without using spellcheck, no matter what Mark Twain says.
1. Will bolow
2. Eco testicle
3. Parma Jawn
4. Flaming yawn
5. Scarmmbled eggs
6. Auntie depresants
7. Hand Soup
8. Salary
9. Barmistaba
10. My gram’s abdomen
11. Spinch
12. Nickel teen
13. Nap kings
14. Magnifine glasses
15. Sweet and sour source
h/t: Buzzfeed