Who needs all this negativity and doom and gloom? Not this guy! No way!

I’m ready for some wholesome, funny memes that will make it feel like the sun is beating down on my face.

Ready to instantly improve your mood? Then let’s take a look at these memes! And while you’re at it, follow this Twitter page to see all kinds of wholesomeness.

1. Made some new friends.

2. That’s better!

3. Refer to the chart.

4. We miss him.

5. She’s perfect!

6. I’m a big fan of this.

7. We all need this.

8. Read this story.

9. Off to school.

10. Best friends.

11. Look at that face.

12. Don’t listen to him.

13. The good old days…

14. This is great.

15. Overcome with happiness.

I feel like I just got a big boost of Vitamin D from those nice memes!

Now it’s your turn!

If you’ve seen any memes or tweets that you think will help improve our mood, share them in the comments for all to see!