Here’s a dilemma we’ve all faced behind the wheel: you’re driving along when suddenly you see something utterly strange. Like a Mazda that’s been made to look like a giant hamburger, or a driver who’s completely naked except for as a Spider-Man mask. You want to look. You deserve to look! Unfortunately you also have to drive your car, so you’re forced to keep your eyes on the boring road.
It’s really unfair, because the road is home to all manner of strange curiosities. Some people customize their cars to an insane degree, often so that they don’t even look like cars any more. Other times, people treat the inside of their car as their own private playground. They get up to all kinds of stuff in their cars besides driving! And that’s just the cars–there’s weirdness on billboards, weird stuff left by the side of the road, and much much more.
It’s too much for any safe driver to look at. Luckily for you, lots of people have taken photos of automotive-related weirdness and shared them on the Internet. Now you can look at them as long as you want. (Hopefully not while you’re driving.)
1. When you die, do you want to be buried, cremated, or mulched?

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. Baby on board. And that baby loves eatin’ trash.

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Not all Transformers get to be in the movies.

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. Gaming the carpool lane with a zombie. Nice.

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Turns out “LANE CLOSED AHEAD” is not a suggestion.

Photo Credit: Reddit
Here’s the story behind this photo:
“So we’re working on a 5 lane road where the right two lanes are blocked off (traffic is pushed over into the left turn lane) and this lady runs over 3 barrels, gets into the very right lane and runs it all the way down until her car completely sinks into the wet concrete. (All while every single one of our guys is screaming STOP!!)
Cops show up within minutes and are super pissed. (Not the first time this has happened on this job) As my boss is getting ready to hook up a chain to pull her out, the cop goes, f**k her, she’s going to wait for a wrecker. My boss explains that if she doesn’t get the concrete off within 20min her car is going to be totaled. Cop goes, well she should’ve thought about that before she ran down the barrels, I’m impounding her car.
SO… Her car was totaled, she got a huge ticket (destruction of public property), and now her insurance company has to pay for the entire lane to be replaced.”
6. And this is why semis should never try to do somersaults.

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Either heading to or coming from a bank robbery.

Photo Credit: Bored Panda
8. Sometimes the line between “weirdo” and “hero” is blurry.

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. I guess it’s cheaper than a car alarm?

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. When in Rome, drive like the Romans drive.

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. Pretty sure you missed your exit, pal.

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. The Shark Bus is the only natural predator of the Filet-o-Fish Car.

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Because Portland.

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Moving’s only going to take 5,000 more trips.

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. Or, you could just get a bumper sticker that says “I have weed.”

Photo Credit: Reddit
h/t: Bored Panda