We’re in the thick of the holidays now, and unless you’re a child, you’re probably pretty stressed. (And if you are a child, you shouldn’t be reading this website!) Your shopping list just can’t seem to get any smaller. Your bank account has seen better days. Many of your evenings are spent at obligatory holiday parties. And there are still six more days to go.
Why not ease your holiday stress with these 15 hilarious jokes? Almost as good as spiked egg nog.
1. DIY

Photo Credit: @LlamaInaTux
2. Gift envy

Photo Credit: @mommajessiec
3. Jingle bell rock

Photo Credit: @stevevsninjas
4. You can’t spell “Christmas” without S & M

Photo Credit: @whatmaddness
5. O Faces

Photo Credit: @daemonic3
6. Wocka wocka wocka!

Photo Credit: @tiemoose
7. Twelve days of WTF?

Photo Credit: @TweetPotato314
8. The gift of a huge mess

Photo Credit: @mommajessiec
9. Mmmmmm, pear tree

Photo Credit: @sonictyrant
10. Priorities

Photo Credit: @ArfMeasures
11. Inner child

Photo Credit: @freefanaddict
12. Merry Chri$tma$!

Photo Credit: @NotAgainBen
13. Stay thirsty

Photo Credit: @Prof_Hinkley
14. That song really hasn’t aged well.

Photo Credit: @_ElvishPresley_
15. Broke for Christmas

Photo Credit: @sarcasticmommy4
h/t: Buzzfeed