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15 Hilarious Text Message Exchanges We Think You’ll Like

©Unsplash,Meghan Schiereck

Text messaging is both the best AND the worst.

It’s the best because it’s super convenient and it allows us to touch base with people without actually having to talk to them. It’s the worst because anyone you’ve ever met in your whole life can annoy the shit out of you any time they want to.

Hopefully that doesn’t happen too often to you, but you get my point.

Let’s take a look at some hilarious text message conversations that people were nice enough to put online.

1. The wrong socks.

2. He got right back to you.

3. The worst thing of all time.

4. That’s disturbing.

5. Already have it figured out.

6. That’s pretty good.

7. A classy opening line.

8. Oh, there it is!

9. Top of her game.

10. It’s all true.

11. Hahahaha. LOL.

12. A real chef.

13. Changed their tune.

14. Oh, yes it does!

15. Wrong number.

Hahahaha. Wow… so THAT happened!

Do you have any screenshots of really funny text conversations with friends, family, or even strangers?

Share them with us in the comments! Don’t be stingy!!!

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