For those who don’t remember, or maybe for those who are trying to forget, glamour shots were a photography trend from the 80’s and 90’s. With the help of professional photographers, people could take their own “model style” photos with special makeup, hairdos, and lighting. As the name suggests, it was was a way to look your most glamourous.

Or at least that was the idea. Because, as we should all know by now, any time a new fad comes along that helps people look cool, only about .001% of us are actually able to pull it off. The rest of us wind up being reminded of how uncool we really are.


Today we’re looking at some glamour shots that fell a bit short of the mark. Maybe it’s an egregious wardrobe choice. Maybe it’s a hairdo that’s bigger than any human person’s hair should be. Maybe it’s just how they project an overall feeling of discomfort.

I will say though, at least these folks were willing to put themselves out there!

1. Brace yourself!

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

2. Deuces aren’t the only thing that’s wild!


Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

3. Who would this outfit make more jealous, Prince or The Joker?

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

4. Not just anyone can pull off a “sexy hypothermia blanket” look.

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday


5. This hat far exceeds a safe amount of flair.

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

6. If you like Glinda the Good Witch, you’ll love Christa the Confused Mom

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

7. Watch out, here comes the Pleather Patrol.


Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

8. Taken moments before her hair caught fire.

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday

9. When your “sexy” face is also your “If I hold still the bear might not attack me” face.

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday


10. When your “sexy” face is also your “Did anyone notice I just farted?” face.

Photo Credit: Vintage Everyday
