Is there anything better than a dog wearing a silly hat? The answer is a resounding NO WAY.
And here is the evidence to back that claim up.
1. Oh no!

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
2. Inspector Gadget…and a pig

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
3. He looks so defeated

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
4. Undercover

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
5. Get with the program

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
6. Pug life

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
7. All tuckered out

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
8. Que pasa?

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
9. On the prowl

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
10. Lookin’ sharp

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
11. Spaghetti head

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
12. In disguise

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
13. Samuel L. Boxer

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
14. Ho ho ho

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
15. The jester

Photo Credit: Sad and Useless
Derp to the max!