When Craig Newmark started Craigslist back in 1995, it was intended to be an Internet version of a community message board, where people can post classified ads and personals, for free.
And yes, Craigslist is still your go-to if you want a used dresser. But it’s also a great place to see all the strangeness that humanity has to offer. Because just like everything else on the Internet, when you open a website up to the general public and give them anonymity, well, things get weird.
Here are 15 Craigslist posts that will make you mad at Al Gore for inventing the Internet.
1. We all have dreams. And some of us dream about owning a fictional dog.
2. Gently-used stocks for sale. Only used in one witch hunt. Probably cursed.
3. Does your lower back ever feel too good? Problem solved.
4. The Romeo & Juliet of our time.
5. “Nothing weird is going to happen” is Craigslist for “You will definitely be murdered.”
6. Still not as gross as The Olive Garden! Zing!
7. His father was a credenza.
8. This is the same way The Beatles got started.
9. The divorce is going GREAT, thanks.
10. You could knit a sweater out of it!
11. But is there a place to store my didgeridoo?
12. Somehow this was rejected by The Sharper Image.
13. It’s totally safe!
14. I am allergic to everything in this post.
15. Is a Meowgician a human magician that performs for cats, or an actual cat that performs magic? Also, which asylum did you escape from?
h/t: Pleated Jeans