Ever since amusement parks began installing cameras on their roller coasters to capture riders’ facial expressions, people have been finding ways to mess with them. The first part of the operation is figuring out where on the coaster the camera is. Once you’ve done that, all you’ve got to do is stick your finger in your nose at just the right moment and you’ve got a lifetime keepsake your grandchildren will be thrilled to inherit.

But there’s a whole subset of roller coaster pranksters who go way beyond a funny face or a stuck-out tongue. Some folks actually stage whole scenes for the coaster camera, including props, costumes, wigs, and even furniture. Pulling off an elaborate roller coaster prank is definitely an impressive feat. Let’s say you want to stage a fancy dinner party scene onto the Twisted Colossus. Not only do you have to smuggle all the necessary accoutrements onto the ride, you also have to keep it all steady during a 90 mph coaster ride, and THEN pose in a split second.

It’s time we gave these geniuses the respect they deserve. Here are 15 roller coaster riders who gave the on-track camera an eyeful.

1. Soaked, party of two.

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. One day, Simba, all of this will be yours. Even the funnel cake machine.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. For a followup, she gave birth to their first child on Space Mountain.

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. If you name a coaster “Raging Bull,” what did you expect would happen?

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Snakes on a log flume.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

6. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. Horsing around.

Photo Credit: Imgur

8. You guys know there’s a pause button, right? 

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Save me the sports section.

Photo Credit: Imgur

10. When you skip breakfast to beat the lines.

Photo Credit: Mental Floss

11. They’re still trying for their first returned serve.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. An excellent use of super glue.

Photo Credit: Buzzfeed

13. Let’s hope it was a safety razor.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. This is why they tell you to keep your limbs inside the ride.

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. Come for the rides, stay for the triple bypass.

Photo Credit: World Wide Interweb


h/t: Buzzfeed