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14 Instances of Fashion Fails Captured in the Wild


Fashion is a choice. You have complete control over what you wear, so you should choose wisely.

But…as you will see in just a minute, a lot of people don’t pay attention to that rule, or maybe they just don’t care.

Are you ready to see some major FASHION FAILS?

You’ve been warned…let’s begin…

1. I don’t see a zipper.

2. Perfect placement.

3. Nice and classy.

4. Kind of disturbing.

5. A very odd choice.

6. Takes some balls to wear that outside.

7. Don’t do that again.

8. Mixed messages.

9. Had an accident?

10. Is anyone actually gonna wear this?

11. Did you get that at Spencer’s Gifts?

12. Not the same…

13. Classic eyeball shoes.

14. The second pic in this set is even better…

Yowza…those fashion choices are not…great.

How about you?

Have you seen any really bad clothing designs lately that made you cringe?

If so, please share a photo with us in the comments!

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