Do you know what time it is…?

I’ll tell you!

It’s time to laugh!

I’m talking about no-holds-barred, out of control laughter.

I’m told it’s very good for the soul. So let’s enjoy these random, funny posts and have a good giggle.

1. Not their best album.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

2. Mess with the bull, get the horns.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

3. Good point.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

4. Now you have a ton of friends!

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

5. Who the hell is this guy?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

6. Is that helping?

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

7. Ruining it for everyone.

Photo Credit: Ruin My Week

8. Think about that…

9. Oh, that’s what it is.

10. He’s all around you.

11. She’s right about all of this.

12. Mine, too.

13. That’s a great observation.

14. A million-dollar idea.

Ahhh, that’s more like it.

Have you seen any really funny memes or tweets or posts lately that made you laugh?

Please be a good friend and share them in the comments, won’t you?
