I fought the sun, and the sun won! Do you remember that hit song from the 1960s?

Okay, that wasn’t really how the song went, but I’m trying to make a point here, okay? And that point is that if you DON’T put on a lot of sunscreen before you hit the beach or spend any time at all in the sun, you’re going to be in a world of hurt.

A bad sunburn makes your life miserable. It’s painful, it’s itchy, and sometimes you’re even sore to the touch.

And some of the ones you’re about to see are just…bizarre…

Let’s take a look! And let these photos be a warning…

1. Inconsistent AND painful.

Next time: lather up!

Long kayaking trip + belly rolls = most inconsistent sunburn ever
byu/BustersHotHamWater inWellthatsucks

2. Let’s play Checkers!

Just sit still for a while!


3. I’m sorry, buddy.

It’s gonna be a long couple of days.

When you are from Arizona and think 70 degrees on the beach in Cali doesnt require sunscreen. I. Hurt.
byu/slviiier inWellthatsucks

4. Lookin’ hot and cheesy!

And that’s not a good thing!

5. The hand of doom.

I bet that hurts.

byu/randompopcorn infunny

6. I don’t need your help!

That does not look good at all.

Stubborn husband said he didn’t need my help putting sunscreen on his back.
byu/SugarHighBakedGoods inWhatcouldgowrong

7. Mr. Tomato Head.

My head is on fire!

8. I don’t think you’re the only person who does that.

This is an old classic at this point.

Met a guy last summer that fell asleep in the sun with his phone on his chest. San Sebastián July 18’
byu/alpevado infunny

9. Guys, if you’re bald…

Always wear a hat.

Co-worker shaved his head, then went golfing, and decided to wear a visor.
byu/rayfin inpics

10. You asked for it.

We offered to help!

My friend refused to ask for help with putting sunscreen on, this is the result.
byu/LilJrChicken infunny

11. Ripped jeans aren’t good on any level.

Just say NO!

My cousin’s legs after a day in the sun in ripped jeans
byu/BigOrangeScrewed98 infunny

12. You are now a potato.

At least for a week or so.

Potato vs. Sunburn
byu/makirihanna inWellthatsucks

13. OUCH. Not good at all.

We wish you well!

This is what happens when you go on a bike ride when it’s 100 degrees outside without the proper sunscreen.
byu/a2susan inWellthatsucks

Have you ever had a really bad sunburn before?

If so, tell us about it in the comments!

And share some photos too, if you have them!
