Are you familiar with a classic piece of cinema called Microwave Massacre?

It was released in 1983 and it is a real treat…and by “treat”, I mean a totally low-budget disaster that is also kind of hilarious.

It’s right up my alley! If you like trash movies, you should definitely check it out.

Anyway, we’re here to talk about microwave fails and darn it, we’re gonna give you the good stuff!

The people in these photos are all having a really bad day in the kitchen…so try not to laugh too hard at them, okay?

Let’s see what went down.

1. What did you do?!?!

Way to go, Mom…

My mom microwaved some birdseed to disinfect it before putting it in a beanbag and accidentally made tiny popcorn
byu/xXBonerPrinceXx inmildlyinteresting

2. Ruined it for everyone.

I hope he has to spring for a new one…

Hey im new! Yesterday this guy put Ghost pepper popcorn in our industrial microwave at work for over 5 minutes. The office was filled with black smoke burning people’s eyes no-one could breath. He basically maced the building. we were moved to the other end so we could keep working.
byu/StereoShayn inmildlyinfuriating

3. They can be very dangerous.

Now look what you did!

My submission for dumbest way to injure yourself: I burnt my hand taking tomato soup out of the microwave. The toast I was making popped up and it scared me.
byu/missouriprincess inWellthatsucks

4. Did you learn a lesson, young man?

I sure hope so…

He forgot to put water in his cup o noodles
byu/themagicpotato infunny

5. Ouch…sorry about the stovetop.

That’s gonna cost an arm and a leg.

Apparently my post isn’t appropriate for r/DIY so I’ll share with y’all. I installed my own microwave today and saved $150 in install fees!
byu/zingusdingus inWellthatsucks

6. Smooth move…

He’ll never let you forget this one.

When I was 3 years old I decided to put my dads brand new cellphone in the microwave. He didn’t understand what I meant by “Phone Hot, Daddy! PHONE HOT!! ” until he walked into the kitchen and saw it full of smoke. 17 years later, he still has it and refuses to let me live it down
byu/Jayus_YT inpics

7. Of course it is!

On second thought…

Wife: “Are you sure that jalapeño dip container is microwaveable?” Me, an intellectual: “Of course it is.” Jalapeño dip container:
byu/eyedontnowutimdoing inWellthatsucks

8. You gotta pay attention.

Minutes! Not seconds!

TIFU by microwaving McDonalds fries for 30 minuets instead of 30 seconds.
byu/hazasauras infunny

9. Time to eat!

It looks delicious.

My daughter took it upon herself to microwave some syrup for her waffles….. for 5 minutes!
byu/WestTinLA infunny

10. You’re gonna burn the house down.

Please don’t do that again.

11. Now what?

Without that microwave, I’m nothing…

Goodbye everyone. It’s been good knowing you.
byu/Hot_Karl_Rove infunny

12. Nice job, kid!

Don’t let them do that again.

This is what happens when you tell you kid to make his own snack so he microwaves an Egg for 11 minutes….
byu/jybc2009 inKidsAreFuckingStupid

13. Oh, no!

Cool mug, by the way.

Wasn’t that fun?!?!

Now let’s hear from you!

In the comments, please tell us about your microwave massacres!

We can’t wait to hear from you.

And remember, be careful with your household appliances, okay? They can be dangerous…