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13 Creative Solutions to Everyday Problems We Think You’ll Love

The human capacity for ingenuity never ceases to make me smile.

We’re surrounded by the greatest technology in the history of the world, but sometimes it’s the little tweaks and fixes by everyday people that really blow our minds and make us say, “now that is impressive!”

And we think these posts about solutions to all kinds of problems will be right up your alley.

Let’s see what these smart folks have been up to!

1. This is so cool!

I wish more historic sites did this.

2. You need to help people out in times of crisis.

And this is one good way to do it.

3. Cash in those cans.

And help some folks out in the process.

4. ALL places need to do this.

Most of those instructions are enough to drive a person crazy.

5. I love this!

I want to see these in all public places.

6. Yes to this!

Making your bed can be a frustrating exercise.

7. A genius idea for the winter.

A lot of cities and towns would benefit from having these.

8. You can always be in the shadow.

I’m here for this idea!

9. No more knocking over everything in your fridge!

There has to be a better way!

10. Hang your bag here!

Then you won’t have to pick it up off the floor over and over again.

11. Oh, boy…this is good.

You should also be able to charge them extra if the kids are bad.

12. What do you want to look at today?

Boats all day for me!

13. What a cool concept!

I bet this is much appreciated.

How about you?

Do you have any genius solutions to everyday problems that you think we should know about?

Share them with us in the comments. Thanks a lot!

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