Sometimes, there’s nothing to do but laugh – even if you’re a grammar and spelling nerd, and even if you’re being forced to view the English language in a terribly butchered form. And with these 12 signs, there’s really no other option.
So laugh away with your head in your hands.
#12. Yeah, she does.
#11. That seems generous.
#10.McDonald’s ice, or a bag of mice? You decide.
#9. I can’t even figure this out, honestly.
#8. Ummmm.
#7. There’s something off about that funnel cake…
#6. I laughed so hard.
#5. It’s hard to find experienced sandwiches.
#4. Something seems off, but I can’t quite put it into words.
#3. The pole placement really makes it.
#2. I feel strangely attacked.
#1. No comment necessary.