There’s almost a certain amount of pride for owning really ugly, weird, and disturbing things.
You don’t believe me?
Well trust me, these folks are about to change your mind. Because they all shared things from their own homes that even they think are really, really hideous and awful.
This tweet gave people out there something to talk about…
Right, Twitter. Please reply/quote this with a picture of the UGLIEST THING THAT YOU OWN.
Something so vile and awful that you can't get rid of it, because you know you'll never own anything as ghastly ever again.
— Professor Bison Sexhorn (@Brainmage) February 3, 2020
Let’s see what folks on Twitter shared from their homes…
1. They just look…cursed…
And I think they’re conspiring against you…
Creepy Shell Squirrels
— Annie K (@akirish) February 6, 2020
2. You’ll never be able to get rid of it.
It will keep coming back…
This (cursed) painting that my mum commissioned of my children – who don’t look anything like these scary things. I’d throw it out but I’m sure it’d come back!
— Jeanna Louise Skinner (@JeannaLStars) February 3, 2020
3. Holy shit…
It’ll drag you under the bed in the middle of the night.
This puppet. Do you want it? You can have it. (Perhaps then the curse will be lifted.)
— Julia Raeside (@JNRaeside) February 3, 2020
4. Dead eyes.
But the rest of it seems accurate.
This is a portrait of me. The eyes say it all.
— Lindsay Galvin (@LindsayGalvin) February 3, 2020
5. I think this was a good purchase.
What is the artist trying to say…?
best $4.99 I ever spent.
— gitanaAzul (@gitanaAzul) February 3, 2020
6. I actually kind of like this.
But it is pretty weird…
This is something my family has had since 1973 (think it was a joke Christmas present from fam friends). After my folks divorced, my dad kept it. Now that he’s gone, it’s mine. Unless it shatters into a million pieces, I’ll never get rid of it. The guy’s drinking Coors.
— Joanie ? ???? (@JoaniePhotos) February 3, 2020
7. The demon family.
Sent directly from Hell!
This painting is ~3 ft in width, and hangs above my living room couch.
— Nicole Attercop (@LadyAttercop) February 3, 2020
8. It arises at night…
To haunt your house.
A doll from my mother in law. It lives in the attic and I’m confident it’s what goes bump in the night.
— Jennifer Wilson (@Imthejenn) February 3, 2020
9. Simple, yet effective.
And a little odd…
observe this small painting
created a couple years ago. There was no motivation/prompt, this is not a reference to anything, it just kind of happened. It’s stupid and I love it with all my heart
— Andrew Fallows | #Pride but also #Wrath (@kaldrenon) February 3, 2020
10. Merry Christmas!
Thank you…?
My aunt’s Christmas decoration- it honestly looks like something that was designed at the last minute to use all the leftover parts of other items. Lol.
— ۞ OhᱬyJewels ᗢ – BLACK LIVES MATTER (@OhMyJewels) February 3, 2020
11. This is insane.
I’d like to know where this hangs in your home.
— wangleberry (@Wangleberry) February 3, 2020
12. There’s no way that thing isn’t alive.
Be very careful…
Found this at a thrift store, probably haunted
— Devon 41 (@makeshftchemist) February 3, 2020
Well, you can’t unsee those items, that’s for sure…
What do you think of the terrible things these folks have in their homes?
Do you think you can top them?
If so, please share a picture of something in your house that you think is truly ugly and hideous.
We look forward to hearing from you!