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12 Parents Who Really Need a Break And These Posts Prove It

The struggle is real, isn’t it moms and dads?

You wait hand and foot on your kiddos and sometimes those little devils don’t show you any appreciation, do they?

You know that’s the truth!

So I’ll tell you what, moms and dads: avoid your kids for a few minutes and treat yourself to some laughs with these funny posts who parents who know what you’re going through.

1. Oh, that’s kind of sad.

Poor kid. All he wanted to do was see his dad.

2. Okay, who’s responsible for this?

This is now a disaster area.

3. Aren’t kids so cute?!?!

You gotta love them!

4. That looks pretty painful, to be honest.

I like how the whole bench had to go with her to the ER.

5. Always remember to carry your keys with you.

You never know when you’re gonna get locked out.

6. You can still make that work.

It’s time to get creative.

7. Well, now those are useless.

Who did this?!?!

8. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.

Good Lord…

9. Get ’em started early on GrubHub.

Hey, this kid seems pretty smart to me.

10. Please don’t eat that!

How’d it taste, by the way?

11. Now how are you gonna keep her entertained?

You’re in for a long day.

12. You’re gonna need to have a talk with him about how to puke correctly.

I remember when I had that talk with my dad…

Hey, moms and dads, how are you holding up?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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