We’re on a mission here.
What is that mission, you might be asking yourself?
Well, it’s pretty simple: it’s to make you laugh.
A lot. And really hard.
And we think we’ve done it again!
Not to toot our own horns or anything, but these memes are pretty darn funny.
So go ahead and treat yourself to some laughs!
1. You gotta give it to ’em sometimes.
I believe the children are the future…
2. All cleaned out!
Good for you, buddy!
3. Don’t even try that stuff with me.
How rude is this?
4. This looks like a really good one.
How do you play it?
5. How do I know when to laugh?
I’m so confused!
6. They’re not really known for their timing.
But we love them anyway.
7. I did not see that coming.
Well, today is now ruined.
8. Gotta be careful with that stuff.
That hurts like hell!
9. You’re disappointed in him, aren’t you?
Where did you go wrong?
10. This is not a good sign.
You better take it easy!
11. Definitely two different meanings.
You didn’t want to hear that.
12. How did Mom do it?!?!
You’ll never know…
What are some of your favorite memes?
Be a friend and share them with us in the comments.
Thanks a lot!