What’s the worst job you’ve ever had in your life?

I’m talking about the one that made you want to run for the hills, change your identity, and never look back…

Okay, that might be a little drastic, but you see what I’m getting at, right?

We’ve all had to work s**tty jobs before and it can be a major bummer.

But at least you have these funny memes to enjoy, right?

And that’s gotta count for something!

So take a break and enjoy them!

1. Can you shut up, please?

I’m trying to get some work done over here…

Photo Credit: The Chive

2. This is depressing…

Life isn’t fair, is it?

Photo Credit: The Chive

3. Looks like you’re working pretty hard today.

Really getting it done, huh?

Photo Credit: The Chive

4. Hey there, brainless!

Okay, that might have been kind of rude…

Photo Credit: The Chive

5. Used to be part of my daily commute.

California was only 2,000 miles away…

Photo Credit: The Chive

6. This is important!

Please don’t disturb me.

Photo Credit: The Chive

7. This face is incredible.

And I bet you can relate.

Photo Credit: The Chive

8. Oh…it’s you again…

Nice to see you…again…

Photo Credit: The Chive

9. That’s what I call a LIE.

Oh, you’re worried, alright.

Photo Credit: The Chive

10. I heard that and I’m in!

Where we going?

Photo Credit: The Chive

11. Time to break out the radiation suits.

Do you have one in yellow?

Photo Credit: The Chive

12. You definitely look sick.

I hope you make it…

Photo Credit: The Chive

How’s your job treating you?

Talk to us in the comments and let us know.

Thanks a million, friends!