What makes a great meme?
One that makes you think? Makes you ponder the universe and your existence?
Ehhh, maybe…
More importantly, memes should make you LAUGH.
And LAUGH HARD, for that matter!
So what do you say we get down to business and let the laughter flow!
Start now!
You might need to hire a TEAM of therapists.
Just an idea…

Photo Credit: The Chive
It’s never as good as you think it is.
What a sad state of affairs.

Photo Credit: The Chive
You know what comes next.
They’ve all been broken since the 1990s.

Photo Credit: The Chive
Bam! Showed them!
Who’s the hacker now?

Photo Credit: The Chive
Let’s do it another way.
Darn this slow Internet!

Photo Credit: The Chive
The last one is my favorite.
But they don’t have quite the same ring to them.

Photo Credit: The Chive
What did you just do?!?!
That escalated quickly.

Photo Credit: The Chive
What am I supposed to do with these?
Didn’t go as planned…

Photo Credit: The Chive
Now we want to hear from you!
In the comments, share some funny memes that you think we’ll love.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!