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12 Great Tweets We Know You’re Gonna Love

Listen, I’m gonna level with you.

We’ve known you for a long time and we think you’re really gonna love these tweets.

Actually, you know what?

We KNOW you’re gonna love them!

Hey, like I said, we feel like we know you here…and we don’t mean that in a creepy way.

Okay, enough rambling! Have some laughs at these funny tweets and we’ll see you on the flip side!

1. Do you remember thinking people in their thirties looked this old?

I know I do…

2. Well, now everyone knows what you’re all about.

It could be worse…maybe?

3. These never get old, do they?

Another solid entry in the series!

4. Yeah, why was everyone’s mom always on the phone back then?

And who were they talking to…?

5. This guy is a freakin’ legend.

We salute you, good sir!

6. I need at least four hours of quiet time when I wake up.

Then we can just ease into it…

7. Seriously. It’s annoying.

I’d venture to say it’s one of the most annoying sounds in the world.

8. Maybe you need to get rid of it?

Or go back to a landline?

9. Not gonna go that far.

Hey, we don’t blame you.

10. Can’t you see I’m very busy?!?!

Works every time.

11. This one hurts.

But it’s pretty true, I guess…

Have you seen any tweets lately that really made you laugh?

How about some memes or jokes or funny photos?

Please share them with us in the comments.

Thanks a lot, friends! We look forward to it!

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