Hey there, grandmas and grandpas!
I see you out there, desperately trying to hang onto your youth, but we all know the truth.
But don’t get all upset about it! At least there are funny memes about getting older that will make you laugh while you look for a new pair of orthopedic shoes.
What a wild life you have!
Enjoy these memes and don’t forget to drink a warm glass of milk before you crawl into bed at 8:45 tonight.
1. Not as easy as it looks.
Give me a few more minutes…

Photo Credit: The Chive
2. I remember it well…
Those were the glory days.

Photo Credit: The Chive
3. That means everywhere.
Every last part of you.

Photo Credit: The Chive
4. I’m older than Google, okay!
Yes, it’s all true.

Photo Credit: The Chive
5. Well, that was nice of you!
Let’s do it again soon!

Photo Credit: The Chive
6. We all have this realization at some point…
It’s just a part of life.

Photo Credit: The Chive
7. What happened to me?
I used to be the life of the party!

Photo Credit: The Chive
8. It might be time to retire those things.
Just a suggestion.

Photo Credit: The Chive
9. Not a good turn of events.
And now it’s time to cry.

Photo Credit: The Chive
10. I was there, man!
It’s ancient history now.

Photo Credit: The Chive
11. What the hell are you talking about?!?!
Also, get off my lawn!

Photo Credit: The Chive
12. I fall into this category.
It’s just not the same!

Photo Credit: The Chive
Hey there, grandmas and grandpas!
Now we want to hear from you.
In the comments, share some more funny memes about getting old that you think will make us laugh.
Thanks a lot!