Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to laugh.
More specifically, to laugh at funny memes that we have personally selected for you because they made US laugh.
That’s about as scientific as it can get in the meme world, ya know?
And this collection is jam-packed with great ones. So what do you say, are you ready to get this party started?
1. That was a long, long time ago.
Ever since then…not so much.
2. Your grandma is awesome.
Take that, Dave!
3. That man was a legend.
I remember him fondly…
4. That’s a great feeling.
More of that, please!
5. Wait a second…
Something isn’t adding up here…
6. Alrighty, then!
Won’t make that mistake again.
7. And then it all goes to hell.
Gotta take those corners slowly!
8. It’s time for them to leave.
And now you just made a huge mess.
9. Well? We’re waiting.
Are you actually gonna get out of that bed?
10. Ummmm, maybe later?
I swear this never happens!
11. What do I do?!?!
Now it’s panic time.
12. You knew he couldn’t resist.
Don’t even get me stared on dyed hair…
Well, that sure was a lot of fun, wasn’t it?
And now it’s your turn!
In the comments, share some funny memes that have made you laugh lately.
Thanks in advance!