Have you ever checked out an Instagram page called “I Want To Leave, Okay”?
If you haven’t, I strongly suggest that you correct that error RIGHT NOW.
Because it’s a whole lot of fun…
Weird fun that is!
Keep on scrolling so you can see exactly what I’m talking about.
1. Dry your hands with this.
It works!
2. I don’t want to know what’s going on.
This is weird.
3. Pinhead puppy!
Think the dog is happy with this?
4. She never saw it coming.
In for a big surprise.
5. The end of the rainbow.
Not a pot of gold.
6. Who’s there?
Are you still having a party?
7. That didn’t go well.
And now he’s crying.
8. Right on the smacker.
They’re in love.
9. What a good dog!
Does everything for you.
10. What are you listening to?
Slayer? Megadeth?
11. You were going 50 in a 35.
And you weren’t wearing a seatbelt…
What are some of your favorite photos from this Instagram account?
Share them with us in the comments.
Thanks in advance!