Life with glasses is definitely different than life without – things are more complicated, sure, but your first prescription also gains you entry to a club that you’ll never be sorry you joined.

Plus, now you can see. Which is, like, pretty great.

#15. So awkward.


#13. The struggle is so real.

#12. Modern struggles.

#11. You cannot get close enough to the mirror.

#10. You might even burst into song.

#9. It’s cool seeing is overrated.

#8. Seeing people are so cute.

#7. Whyyyyy teachers?

#6. Nailed it.

#5. Did you think I wear these for fun?

#4. At least you’ll be able to see if there is a spider.

#3. *giggle*

#2. SO WILD.

#1. Let us have our fun, okay?

h/t: Someecards