When you see a “Beware of Dog” sign, the message is pretty clear: stay out of this yard, or a dog will attack you. These signs serve as both a warning to the public, and a way for the dog owner to avoid liability in case someone does venture into their yard and gets mauled by their vicious labradoodle. (Although the liability issue varies from state to state. If you’re not sure, do some research. And also, don’t take legal advice from a comedy website.)

Dogs are really the only pet that need a “beware” sign in the yard. But that hasn’t stopped cat owners from getting in on the action. Turns out, people have been putting up “beware of cat” signs. No, their cat isn’t actually going to attack you. (We hope!) These signs are way more tongue-in-cheek than serious. But they’re still a lot of fun, and here are 15 of the best below.


1. He’ll claw your face off. Unless it’s nap time.

Photo Credit: Imgur

2. No beverage is safe.

Photo Credit: Imgur

3. We all know who’s really in charge.

Photo Credit: Imgur

4. If you try to run away, she’ll just sit on you.

Photo Credit: Etsy

5. Elephants never forget. Neither do cats. And cats are much more petty.

Photo Credit: Imgur

6. This cat is definitely stealing the neighbor’s WiFi.

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. I thought I smelled sulfur. (Wait, no, that’s cat pee.)

Photo Credit: Imgur

8. The thin, furry line between society and chaos.

Photo Credit: Imgur

9. The littlest con artist.

Photo Credit: Imgur

10. There’s a glitch in the Matrix.

Photo Credit: Imgur

11. Look upon this kitty and you will know fear.

Photo Credit: Imgur

12. You know you have a good guard when she’s afraid of her own sign.

Photo Credit: Imgur

13. He’s been hitting the catnip pretty hard lately.

Photo Credit: Imgur

14. A cat is just a bouncer that craps in a box.

Photo Credit: Etsy

15. This particular cat is actually a lion.

Photo Credit: Imgur



h/t: Ranker